Lorenz’ weekly - Earth 2045 and trapped on Mars

This week was filled with quite a lot. Without being too specific I just say that sometimes it is quite hard to make a difference. But, just keep trying.

I stumbled upon this great Swedish campaign site, that definitely leaves an impression. How do you want the world to be when you retire?

Every day a new prototype app launches and it is hard to keep track of which app to use for what. Well, have a look at this comparison of eight prototyping tools.

If you love GetKirby as much as I do and you want to write a book, kirbyBook might be something for you.

Nasa just published an entire book that details their rich visual history, and you can download it for free. Have a look!

While I am talking about Nasa – yesterday I watched “The Martian” and I am happy to say that it is a great movie. Although the story of the book falls a little short, the images you see are remarkable and beautiful. You should definitely watch it.