New year, new life, new everything
Basically right after I updated my website, I stopped blogging again. Same procedure as every year. Why is that so? Well, first of all I am the kind of person who wants to do several things simultaneously and second I became a father of a wonderful little girl, named Lilli, in November last year.
And that basically changed everything. I am glad that my colleagues allowed me to stay at home for a month. That definitely did help to get used to this new situation. Apart from that becoming a parent is quite a big change (duh!). I am responsible for a little person now. I have to keep her alive and help her finding her way in this world. Crazy!
So that explains the silence in my blog a little bit. Now that life becomes a little more normal and predictable I want to start blogging again. Maybe I can do that every week, maybe not. I just see what I end up with. I am a little bit sad that I never really managed to come to a point where I notice some therapeutic benefits because of writing every week or so. I just stopped writing before I could develop a habit. I really want to reach that point now, also because I want to write better professionally. English is pretty much the day-to-day language in the office but writing is just so much more challenging. Especially because you have some time to reflect whether you used the right words and you don’t just spit it out there.
When I thought about writing again I did think about a new design and a new Content Management System that would help me write more. And that was totally wrong and the very same mistake I made hundreds of times before. Instead I realized I just start to write and develop a new system along the way. I guess in the end I want to give Statamic a shot. The backend is really well designed and it reminds me a little bit of Craft CMS, just without having to think about a database. It is responsive as well and would allow me to write on the go, so that’s a plus as well. And the way to combine modules to long form content pages is really nice and feels more thought through than GetKirby’s plugins. Well, let’s see when I am able to make the switch.
Then, my food blog, oh my. I still want to occasionally write about what I cook and share my recipes. I believe I should do that in german, it is easier for me and for the reader. But, the decision to include it into my “professional” website was stupid. In the end I will move it to it’s own website again. When there’s the time …
The only plan that counts right now is that I want to write more.
What content should I post here? I asked myself that many times. Well, I want to share nice websites, links and resources that I like. I also want to get used to write summaries of my week and to go more into detail when it comes to client projects and my work in general. I want to share books and articles that helped me getting to where I am now. There are more ideas but the most important thing of all – I see what happens and let go of specific plans. The only plan that counts right now is that I want to write more.
Enjoy your sunday!